Sunday, January 12, 2025

Finishing off the Black Friday finds.

 This post wraps up the last of the ComC order that came in last month. The next series of posts will come from the lost but found Sport Lots order. Relatively small compared to the one that I have brewing right now (600+) cards.

Short print variation Albies to start the night.

Following that up with a very short printed (1/7) John Smoltz autograph, and a Japn Edition insert of Acuna.

The 2024 Finest Riley wound up being a dupe that I bought after having this in my inventory. It's all good though because Austin is a PC guy. 

A pair of Greg Maddux convention parallels (there are a ton of parallels for these).

Glad to have this series done. I've got a few more series' to get to and I plan on hitting 2 card shows to closeout this month. One of the series to come is from a few weeks ago when I went to the Tampa card show. Like the previous trip to that show....I got sick. I am all better now. I was a good boy and stayed home until Saturday (I went and got groceries), and then my daughter Hunter and I went to Outback and I got me a big ole steak. I was craving one and it was good!

Have a great week everybody!

Thursday, January 9, 2025

ComC Black Friday: Part three

 As per my usual Friday night post, gonna be quick.

All colorful and shiny and new to me Braves.

I could have sworn that I owned that Freddie cartoon already, but my excel sheet says no. So maybe once i get to my "F's" in the PC update I'll know for sure. I am almost there. Working on the D's currently.

Turned out I did have the Brooklyn collection Acuna, so this goes to the PC.

Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

ComC Black Friday: Part two

 First, I am 99% better, sick for 8 days. I am stir crazy. Spent a week, not really messing with my cards any cards really. Just farting around on the internet for the most part. I've got several mailings to package up and get mailed now that I am pretty much over whatever it was I had.

Back to the cards, round 2 of 4.

Never seen the 2016 Donruss parallel before. Some weird holofoil. Looks more like it should have been called zebra though it wasn't.

Several autos. The pair of Wrights atop one is a refractor.

I was happy to add the handful of Max Fried cards. I was NOT happy that Atlanta let him go. Kind of had that Freddie feeling.

No idea how the Braves will fare this coming season. Even though there are still a lot of Stars like Acuna, Albies, Riley, Olson, and Harris for offense knowing everyone of them missed significant time last season. I am concerned. Pitching has a few guys, but still. For the first time in a very long time, I'm not sure they can make the playoffs. As a diehard fan I will always hope (I made it through the 80's). 

Have a great night folks.

As promised....Wacky Wednesday

 Normally, rather I used to post just a few cards each Wednesday and I will be doing that again X2. Here's to kick starting the theme again. With that said and in case there is someone not familiar with this theme here, I'll explain briefly. I used to have about hundred mini collections....seriously, cut that way down. One of the survivors was the Wacky cards which could be wacky, but in general were just cards that I found interesting for one reason or another. 

A pair from Hatcher and pretty sure you can see why these all made the binder.

Another pair this time from Guzman.

And to complete the night a pair of Michaels.

See ya next week.

Elvis' birthday

 Don't worry, I'll still have my Wacky Wednesday post tonight.

Pretty sure I did get some more Elvis cards in this "past" year, but today came quicker than I was prepared for. It is shortly after midnight so it is Elvis' birthday, well.... it would have been. My mom had such a crush on him. It is in her honor I do this post every year.

Don't forget to check back later to get the first in a very long time: Wacky Wednesday post.